Friday, February 3, 2017

Depth Of Corruption

A book hailed by the New York Times as "The most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle" has been turned into a full-length documentary, with even MSNBC describing the newly released documentary as "devastating" for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

The feature documentary — Clinton Cash — is adapted from Peter Schweizer's New York Times best-selling book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, and has now been posted to YouTube for all to see exactly how the pay-for-play of the Clinton machine works.

Clinton Cash delves into how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being self-admittedly "dead broke" after leaving the White House to building a personal fortune worth of over $150 million — with over $2 billion in donations coming into their foundation.

Not coincidentally, this newfound wealth was accumulated while Mrs. Clinton was operating as the U.S. Secretary of State. It was primarily gained through lucrative speaking fees and contracts paid for by foreign companies and Clinton Foundation donors - as well as numerous foreign governments with a vested interest in activities the State Department regulates and oversees.

Unsurprisingly, the Clinton campaign has downplayed the revelations exposed in the documentary as "conspiracy theory." However, these claims seem to hold little weight, as many of the biggest bombshells described in the documentary were investigated and confirmed by left-leaning mainstream media outlets.
Here are at least 11 facts that mainstream media say are true, verified, and accurate from this viral documentary.
Below are just a few examples of the scandals detailed in this bombshell documentary which highlight how large donations to the Clinton Foundation equate to favors returned from the U.S. government:

- State Dept. Approves Russian Purchase of 20% of U.S. Uranium Assets in Return for $145 million in Contributions to the Clinton Foundation - Bill and Hillary Clinton assisted Canadian financier, Frank Giustra, and his company, Uranium One, in the acquisition of uranium mining concessions in Kazakhstan and the United States. Subsequently, the Russian government sought to purchase Uranium One but required approval from the Obama administration given the strategic importance of the uranium assets. In the run-up to the approval of the deal by the State Department, nine shareholders of Uranium One just happened to make $145mm in donations to the Clinton Foundation. Moreover, the New Yorker confirmed that Bill Clinton received $500,000 in speaking fees from a Russian investment bank, with ties to the Kremlin, around the same time. Needless to say, the State Department approved the deal giving Russia ownership of 20% of U.S. uranium assets.

- Hillary's Brother Awarded Lucrative and Rare Haiti Gold Mining Permit - The Washington Post confirmed claims that Hillary's brother, Tony Rodham, sat on the board of a mining company that just happened to score a lucrative gold mining permit in Haiti, one of only two permits to be awarded in 50 years, while then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton funneled billions of taxpayer dollars to the island in the wake of the devastating earthquake of 2010
- Keystone Pipeline Support in Return for $2mm in Speaking Fees - After not being engaged to speak by TD Bank during his first 8 years out of the White House, Bill Clinton began a string of speeches for the bank starting just 4 days after Hillary was nominated as secretary of state resulting in over $2mm in speaking fees. TD Bank is the single largest shareholder in the Keystone XL pipeline project, which needed State Department approval. Subsequently, Hillary Clinton decided to support the pipeline — a heresy to environmentalists — and delayed the Obama administration's rejection of it.

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